Record: 1-5 (2023)

AFS Middle School Baseball Most Recent Season (2022)
- Due to limited numbers, AFS Middle School baseball did practice but could not field a team for games this season.
- They did have two scrimmages vs Bryn Athyn Church School.
AFS Middle School Baseball Previous Most Recent Season (2021)
- Despite a solid effort, dropped both games of home-and-home (20-2, 7-0) to Friends Select in shortened season.
- Wyatt Campuzano went 2-4 with 2 doubles and both of team’s rbi.
- Winslow Coleman recorded 12 strikeouts of Falcons.
- Kavi Kaprencenko cut off a home run with a great relay throw to Patrick Budd.
- Trace Levan had 3 put outs.
- Dominic Carfagno pitched well and played excellent defense at first base.
- 2020 Spring Middle School Baseball Canceled Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Team Schedule
No Roster found for this team.