Honors Scholarship Program
In addition to tuition assistance, we are proud to be able to offer academically talented and motivated applicants an opportunity to attend AFS through the Honors Scholarship Program, a competitive merit scholarship program for students entering grades 5 through 11. This program has a separate selection process, and acceptance of an Honors Scholarship does not eliminate a family from consideration for tuition assistance.
Application Guidelines
Inquire. Call or email the Abington Friends School Admission Office to receive an admission application and introductory materials. You can also access our application online.
Visit our Campus. Campus visits provide families with a tour of the school, opportunities to meet faculty and students, and an opportunity to talk at length with a member of the admission team. As an applicant, a student will shadow an AFS student for a day. Parents are also welcome to tour classrooms and share insights about their child in a parent conversation with an admission representative.
Complete an application for admission. All application materials and visits must be submitted and completed by December 8 to be considered for a Merit Scholarship, so we recommend starting the admission process no later than early November.
Consider the option to apply for need-based financial aid. Acceptance of an Honors Scholarship does not eliminate a family from consideration for need-based assistance. In addition, the amount of an awarded scholarship will not change in the event that need-based financial assistance is also awarded. Families from a broad range of incomes apply to AFS.