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  • Recalling Our Roots: A 19th Century Viewbook

Recalling Our Roots: A 19th Century Viewbook

Though the history of AFS is a long one, there are few printed records until the 1880s of life at AFS. However, we have a treasure in our “Viewbooks,” published pieces that probably served two purposes: To provide information to new families about philosophies and advantages of AFS and to give current families a list of important dates and policies.

The earliest Viewbook we have in our archives is indeed a treasure, wrote Toni Vahlsing, Director of Libraries. In 1888, the school was located in a building on the Triangle property. The structure is described in the Viewbook in this way: “The building, which is of stone, is new, substantial and comfortable, well lighted and ventilated, and heated by means of excellent furnaces.

“Each hall has a large bath-room supplied with hot and cold water. The rooms are furnished with full oak suit which are tasty, home-like, and comfortable. The school and class-rooms are bright and cheerful.”

This leaves us to wonder what a “full oak suit” might be. Furniture? The moldings?  Perhaps we might use the word “tasteful” rather than “tasty” today. If you’d like to read more, the 1888 AFS Viewbook 1888  is available here. And here is a photo of the school building, which was new in 1888 and demolished in the early 1970s. Enjoy!


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