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Getting to Know… Adena Dershowitz

What is your role at AFS?

I’m the Director of the Center for Experiential Learning, and I joined the AFS Community in August.

Experiential Learning is a broad term that typically refers to “learning by doing.” In my role, I get to focus my energy and time working on how to add authenticity, creativity, and purpose to the student experience at AFS. I like to think about how to bring the world to AFS and how to bring AFS students out into the world beyond our campus. I get to work with students and faculty in all divisions, which is really special.

What is your favorite activity or program that you lead/participate in at AFS and why?

While I haven’t been through a whole school year yet, it’s already challenging to pick one program. Some of the most rewarding moments have been when students collaborate cross-divisionally. We had Middle Schoolers work alongside 1st graders to perform a service project, and our Upper Schoolers were stewards of our recent maple-tapping activities in Lower School.

If given the chance, who would you like to have dinner with (anyone in history, living or past) and why?

I think I’d like to bring my great-grandparents together. They didn’t know each other and they lived in different parts of the world. It would be fascinating to understand their different experiences!

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