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AFS Remote Learning Program, AFS Everywhere

March 23, 2020

On March 30, Abington Friends School launched AFS Everywhere, our comprehensive educational program that will sustain vital connections for students, families, faculty and staff.

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Rich Nourie on the Transformative Power of Authentic Relationships in Learning

February 12, 2020

Families and teachers alike who are new to AFS are sometimes surprised that teachers are called by their first names.

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Back-to-School After a Lively Summer

August 26, 2019

A lively spirit of hope and possibility comes upon us each September. The feeling is infectious and energizes our entire school community as we reunite for Abington Friends School’s 323rd year.

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Commencement 2019 Remarks from Head of School, Rich Nourie

June 7, 2019

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

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Head of School Center for Experiential Learning Update

May 30, 2019

Our school has long prized experiential learning as central to the AFS experience. Recently, we have dramatically expanded opportunities through the Center for Experiential Learning (CEL).

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Teaching Is Leadership

March 5, 2019

By Rich Nourie, Head of School

After 25 years now in leadership roles, I see clearly that teaching is leadership and is also an excellent foundation for leadership outside of the classroom.

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Athletics Center Update

December 14, 2018

Over the past several months, it has been exciting to see the Richard N. Berman Athletics Center materialize before our eyes.

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Head of School, December Letter 2018-2019

December 7, 2018

I am made hopeful and thankful everyday by the AFS community.

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Head of School Response to Tragedy in Pittsburgh

October 28, 2018

As are so many, I am shocked, heartbroken and in grief at the news of the devastating violence at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh yesterday.

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Head of School Community Letter September, 2018-2019

September 28, 2018

Community, one of the central testimonies of Quakerism, is indeed a deep strength of our School.

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