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Message to the AFS Community on Rise in Anti-Asian Hate and Violence Against Asian Americans

March 18, 2021

My heart aches and I am disheartened and disgusted by such a senseless and targeted act of violence.

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A Reflection on the Capitol Riot

January 11, 2021

The power of fundamental untruths and self-interest to fuel such an attack and desecration of the Capitol is profoundly disturbing. I am heartbroken for the damage done to the soul and psyche of our nation

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A Holiday Poem

December 14, 2020

A Poem for the 2020 Holiday Season by By Cydney Brown ’22,
Philadelphia Youth Poet Laureate

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Thanksgiving 2020 Wishes from Rich Nourie

November 24, 2020

At this time of heightened need for so many, let our Thanksgiving invite each of our families to think about how to put goodness into action.

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DEI Programming in Support of Our Community

November 10, 2020

Recent injustices call all of us to commit more fully to greater care, equity and justice in the larger world and within our own communities.

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Leading and Embodying Change at Abington Friends

June 29, 2020

Over the past six weeks, our nation has sustained a critical and penetrating attention to issues of race in America and the unbearable, devastating human cost of systemic racism.

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Reflection and Action in Response to Violence Against People of Color

May 29, 2020

These tragedies underline the urgency in our calling to actively work to dismantle racism and the systems that poison any collective hope we may have for justice, equity and peace for all.

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Consulting Psychologist Michael Cassano on Dealing with the Surreal Circumstances of the Pandemic

May 8, 2020

A guest blog from Consulting Psychologist Michael Cassano on Dealing with the Surreal Circumstances of the Pandemic

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A Love Letter to Our Class of 2020

April 24, 2020

Seniors, this love letter is for you. Your class will be remembered with special reverence through the years by all who love you at AFS.

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Rich Nourie on Meaningful Connections Between Our Homes and Our School

April 9, 2020

The paradox of our being apart bringing us closer, underlines that there is always close connection in the realm of the spirit, no matter the distance. 

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