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A Response to the Recent Tragedies and Violence in America

May 25, 2022

At this time, may we seek the peace within, always present, as the ground from which to live and respond. May we help others to do the same and accept the help of others in finding it ourselves.

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Introducing the AFS Strategic Plan – Envisioning the Fourth Century of Friends Education

May 23, 2022

Our new Strategic Plan will guide Abington Friends’ progress over the next three to five years. It is a plan written with the confidence of a strong school growing stronger.

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A holy season for Muslims, Jews and Christians

April 15, 2022

As Muslim Ramadan, Jewish Passover and Christian Holy Week and Easter converge in the calendar this week, billions of people around the world are centering their lives around spiritual connection.

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A Response to the War in Ukraine

March 11, 2022

With the rest of the world, we are watching the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. The Quaker Peace Testimony is rooted in our consciousness of the preciousness and unconditional dignity of all human life.

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A Response to Crisis at Congregation Beth Israel

January 19, 2022

As a community, we are holding in the Light all those terrorized by the hostage crisis that unfolded over 11 hours at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas.

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A Message for the New Year

December 17, 2021

In this, our 325th year, let us be inspired anew by the collective inner light.

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A Thanksgiving Message from Rich Nourie

November 24, 2021

May we be refreshed by a spirit of giving thanks together and by the goodness of the love in our homes.

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In Our 325th Year, A Time to Lift Our Eyes, Pause and Reflect

October 14, 2021

As one of the oldest schools in the country, we are a school of many traditions, from age-old celebrations like Arbor Day to newer additions like ECOFest, the Nature Playdate and Black Excellence Night.

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AFS Covid Procedures for 2021-2022

August 6, 2021

The Pandemic Team has been meeting this summer and adapting plans to shifting conditions, trends and guidance for schools.

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A Reflection on Arbor Day & Verdicts in the Derek Chauvin Case

April 23, 2021

The verdicts in the Derek Chauvin case this week offer a seedling of hope, long overdue and only a small step, but evidence of the possibility of accountability in the face of racist violence .

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